Thursday, January 20, 2011

About us!


I wanted to start blogging because I have been so flaky with writing in my journal . So many eventful and life changing things have happened in my life and I need to start documenting them! I hope someday my kids will turn to my blog so it can be a fun way to remember things.

Hmm where to start fools!
Some may call me weird, goofy, loud, and inappropriate at times (oops!) and there is not too much to add to that! I love to do fun things and I love to be out and around people. I love to exercise and have always been interested in being strong and healthy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE TO LAUGH. It is one of my favorite things to do! I love to dance, sing, roll in grass, watch movies, hike, exercise, and be with family. I'm the kind of girl who laughs at dumb commercials, completely finishes my food and my husbands, enjoys chaos, makes weird faces at strangers, and jumps from the middle of my room to my bed so monsters can't grab my feet. I am super analytical, and believe it or not sensitive! I like college and I enjoy learning! I love the gospel and I am so grateful for it. It's what brings purpose to my life.

Goals in life??? oh, I got em'! (These are just the ones for now but there are plenty more)

Graduate college
Have as many kids as the Lord wants me to have
Be a great mom/ wife
complete an Olympian triathlon
Bike a century (100 miles)
Continue blogging
Learn all I can about the Gospel
Stay motivated and patient
Travel the world
Experience church history sights
Become a Group exercise instructor
Keep my marriage fresh and united
Train my dog to act like a dog and not a monster
Stop watching reality TV shows
Own a horse for my kids
Visit my family as often as I can
Move out of my in-laws house :)
Control mean and judgmental thoughts better
Read my scriptures everyday
Drink less milkshakes and more water
More to come!

These pictures might be the best way to describe me and my life before I got married... brace yourselves...

Triathlon accomplished... Had to flex. I felt like a CHAMP!

We were so incredibly excited. Getting ready for the swim!

Jared Made this sign for me :) What a great cheerleader :)
My bestest friend/cousin in the whole wide world! Libby :)
Hmm yup that's me...

 My family and I use to go quading all the time. Browns camp, sand lake, camping trips, etc... Miss those days! This Picture was taken at Browns (hence the incredibly dirt face)
 Coming up a razor back.
 Every time we brought a friend out with us it always ended up in a complete disaster. one word "CRASH." We took one of my best friends Courtney out one day and yup she rolled... haha

I am not a rock climber per-sey but I love to do anything outdoorsy! If I could, this would be a hobby! Great workout my friends.

I love nature :)
It's the Oregonian in me

Trees... If only they could talk :)
 My mom and my dad are my heroes. They are so good to me.

 My brothers have helped raise me considering two of them are 11 and 12 years older than me... Mike the one furthest away is only 15 months older than me so we were called twins!

When I was 17 my cousin and I went to the Dominican Republic to be part of a service project. It was one of my most favorite things I have ever done. These pictures do not do it's beauty justice... There were some very very funny times. This picture below is of some of the kids that lived next to our house that we stayed at. We stayed in village called "Prensa De Yagua" and it was so awesome. I wanted to take these kids home with me.

This was the family we stayed with. She made the best food and the dad taught us how to dance the merenge every night!

This was the aqua-duct we built. We all raised money before we went so that we could pay for the supplies. It was pretty cool to help build an irrigation system so that the village could have running water.

For some reason Libby and I got the house that was 2 miles away from the work camp. We walked 2 miles there in the morning 2 miles back for lunch 2 miles there to work in the afternoon and 2 miles back for bed! But this was the view that we got to look at. Pretty incredible. We didn't want to ever leave. 

We went to the city and it was pretty cool to see the culture in a different way. The Dominican people are so beautiful. This little boy was so cool. 

We brought toys for the kids in the village. They loved them and played with them all the time. We taught them some funny words in English too. ex: boob haha

We built the aqua-duct from scratch. This picture is of us pouring the cement I was so excited to be done with that part!

This donkey followed us everywhere! so we had to "take picta"

We even got to take droplet showers! yeeeee!

We were all enthralled with our tour guide :)

Our destination after a long beautiful hike! It was so hot that the strangest part of my body was sweating... my knuckles

While we were feeding cows, Megan Morin (my cousin) decided it would be really funny to take a handful of cow crap and slap it on my head. we ended up wrestling in the crap pile and this is what happened. 
 What can I say I'm a pro. My family and I have been to Hawaii many times and this was one of my favorite things we did.

Girls camp. Now girls camp was not my favorite place nor did the leaders like me very much (for very good reason) but I have to say even though I pretended I hated it all the time I did have fun with Anna and rachy...

One of the few pictures I have left from high school. I think the rest are in the garbage somewhere. OH WELL!

My friend Emily Walberg and I both worked at Red Robin. We were the bird Tuesday and Thursday night from 5 to 7 pm. We would go out on the patch of grass in the front and pretend like we were pecking the grass and one time the massive heavy robin head flew off...

I was on the dance team at Aloha and Southridge and loved it very much. Hip hop was our specialty :)

 Well I could go on about life before I got married but lets face it, my life just got way more interesting AFTER I GOT MARRIED!

Live, Love, ACTION!

Jared and I met in Provo Utah in 2006. He actually roomed with my cousin Jared Rodman and his sister Libby and I were at his apartment all the time. I remember the day when Jared moved into the apartment. I immediately guessed that he was from California because he was very pretty! Pretty teeth, pretty hair, pretty body, pretty skin, very tan... CALIFORNIA!  He came marching up to me and immediately reached is hand out to shake mine and said, "Hi! I'm Jared Johansen!" I initially thought, wow am I about to have the first discussion??? After we got past the awkward introduction I actually helped him move in!  I noticed as I was bringing shoe box after shoe box in that he could quite possibly have  more shoes that I did...

Libby and I kept going back to the apartment to supposedly "hang out with Jared Rodman" but were also there to watch, stare, flirt, and make fun of his other roommates! I always noticed Jared vacuuming, or doing the dishes, he also studied a lot and I really liked that. I remember giving each other a hard time quite a bit and I liked that he could keep up with my rude/funny/fast/weird/loud/blunt remarks! He came right back and I started to really think this guy is fun! We started to watch the show "LOST" like every night. Yes the entire apartment would come out of their caves and watch this ridiculous show! Jared started sitting next to me and not too long after that he started to move in... haha we will stop it there because it just does not do it justice in writing... He took me on a date and the rest is history.

Some pictures of some of our dates. I wish we would have had a picture of one of the most interesting one! Let me briefly tell you! Jared and I thought it would be really funny to let some weird insect or creature go in a store. After many minutes of contemplation we decided a mouse would be a very great choice! We went to Petco and picked the perfect little white mouse and named it mickey. The guy asked if this was a "feeding mouse" or if we were buying it for a pet, so we both snickered and said "It's definitely a feeding mouse." We decided that Walmart was too big for this little guy so we took it to Blockbuster! We ended up letting Mickey go in Blockbuster but were disappointed with the outcome. Mickey immediately ran right under the movie stands and didn't come out. After trying and trying to scare him out we decided to give up. Sad. I wonder what happened to Mickey. Best wishes lil buddy!

V-Day! My mom sent us those heart shaped dishes and a yummy recipe! Thanx momma!
      Second Time in California to say bye to Jared's brother Nick! About a month before we got married :)

First Time at his house. I loved their dog Calvin :)

Man this seal had it rough!

Such a cool tree! If I were a bum I would live there for a while. Then I would hide in Costco.

Ha I know we are all looking at Christy's face cuz it's pretty funny!

This was the first time I had ever been on a trolley! It was boring but at least I said I have done it right?

 I love boating! It was pretty funny listening to Jared scream then get completely silent when it got kinda scary... I could hardly breath because I was laughing so flipping hard.

The Oakland Temple has such an incredible view...

Oakland Temple! We look so young! I think I had just turned 19...

This sadly was our engagement photo... Not too sure how I feel about that. 

Second time snowboarding! Look like a pro on the bunny hill eh?

Almost 2 years later on August 1, 2008 Jared and I go married in the Portland Temple! Or honeymoon was in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and it was a blast :)

 I had to ride off on a tractor! My Uncle Pat use to take me and my cousin out on it all the time to feed cows!

I just had to ok!

Clearly it was Jared's first time on a tractor

Tickle fight, tickle fight!

Man I love my cousins :)

My wedding was everything I dreamed of! 


"haha oh my gosh that's so funny" (yea right!)

Do we look alike? I think not!

My mom is the best :)

I love this picture for many reasons. First Megan's face (of course Jena is punching her).
Second: Kaitlyn looks like a gladiator
Third: Julie surface is randomly placed on the right side making a strange face
Fourth: Katie Shea is in it too and I was so happy to see her there :)
fifth: Krystal (my niece) would have hated that she is the creeper in the back of this photo with her hands up looking desperate.
This is defiantly a keeper

Love this picture!
Mark (my brother) looks like a caveman, Mike B looks like he is about to drool, My dad looks like he needs to go to the bathroom, Alan is posing like a metro model, Nate does not know what to think, Dave is feeling awkward, and Jared is the only one that is portraying some kind of related facial expression to the situation.

There are a handful of times where I have laughed so hard that I could have easily fallen over and died because of loss of breath. This was one of them. 

My cousin Megan sand my most favorite Disney song form Anastasia called "At the beginning." It was a surprise. Made me cry...

My very dear friend Sam flew from Utah to be there for me. She stayed by me the entire time. 

Cheeks were hurting so bad..

Honeymoon time mangs! Puerto Vallarta! ;)


  1. Aww! I'm so glad you are starting to blog, you are so funny. I love how you explain things, I need to be more like that...i'm lacking in that when I try to update mine. Gah! Which I haven't done in...months...dang. Love ya Tiff!

  2. You are so funny. I'm adding you to our list! Now it's time for a blog makeover! Go look and see what you want!! Love you fart face.
